Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Start Time: 10:50am PDT
Zoom ID: 881 7387 6829
Password: 031349

Guest Speakers:

Roshi Joan Halifax
Dr. Lewis Lancaster

In the academic world, this time of year is normally filled with making plans for the summer and celebrating scholastic milestones. However, COVID-19 has caused us to alter many traditional activities. One such casualty is a graduation ceremony for the senior class. In what should be a momentous occasion, many of us are sheltering in place and contemplating what’s ahead.

At University of the West, the senior class of the Buddhist Chaplaincy MDIV program is certainly thinking about the path forward. Many are moving on towards a path of service in a changed world. For those following in their footsteps, the seniors are the trailblazers. That is why it is important to honor their work to get to this point and the work that is to come.

Please join the celebration on Wednesday, May 27, starting at 10:50am PDT. The program includes live music and video tributes, as well as speeches from Dr. Chiung-Sally Chou, president of UWest, Dr. Victor Gabriel (MDiv Dept Lead), and Dr. Jitsujo Gauthier (Chair of Buddhist Chaplaincy Dept). Dr. Daphna McKnight will offer reflections on what Buddhist Chaplaincy means. Of course, the senior class will have the chance to share their voices. The cherry on top is the “commencement” speakers: Roshi Joan Halifax and Dr. Lewis Lancaster. It is a testament to their devotion and commitment to Buddhist Chaplaincy for both to take time out of their busy schedules to speak.

This celebration promises to be fun and inspirational!