In January, during the early days of the Novel Coronavirus pandemic, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, founder of Fo Guang Shan, penned a poem titled “A Prayer to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva for Safety from the Wuhan Conoravirus Outbreak.” In the poem, Ven. Master Hsing Yun writes:

Let us care and help one another and not be struck with a panic,
Let us support and encourage one another to strengthen our faith.
May the momentary isolations become retreats for self-introspection,
May the momentary inconvenience become mindful practices of self-improvement.

Inspired by the Venerable Master’s words, Foguang member Luo Yishi was moved to adapt the prayer to music and invited 17 Malaysian musical artist to record the song. It took three days to record and about three weeks altogether from start to finish, which is an incredible task. IBCF officially received permission to use the video in our promotion of #ProjectMetta, to which we are deeply grateful to Fo Guang Shan.