In the last month we have seen steady progress in the supply chain for medical equipment across the country. Even so, the frontline workers continue to deal with very real dangers posed by COVID-19. Our Masks for Medical Workers project continues to make donations to local hospitals and institutions that are at risk. Last week we dropped off 5,000 medical masks to LAC+USC Medical Center for use by the frontline staff. Many thanks to Anita Gowing for working with us on this.

In addition, this week we delivered 5,000 medical masks to our friends at Asian Youth Center in support of their Emergency Food Program. AYC has been doubling their efforts to provide food for hungry families during the county-wide shutdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. We are glad to help by providing masks for both the workers and to distribute to families. We want to thank AYC’s Executive Director, Michelle Freridge, for making this happen.